Sunday, September 2, 2007
Petra Luna_tic
MySpace URL:
Is Petra Luna a cop? Heavens no. Is she a famous musician? Ah, hell no.
Possible real name: Deb Carr "a real pinchi joto"
Deb Carr is affiliated with petraluna and is also beleived to be associated with members of perverted Justice.
Location: AZ or CA
Occupation: When "Petra-Lunatic" isn't out shaking her booty and screetching out her wretched vocals, she targets innocent people and children with slander, threats of bodily injury, and violence. She's against ALL forms of cruelty, unless she is the one doing the abusing. Then it's different.
Another self proclaimed " pedo-hunter" who hunts and hurts innocent people without checking her facts. Petra Lunatic is currently under investigation in Arizona for her continual online harrassment, threats, and defamation against a wife and mother of four. Inciting violence against an innocent woman and her children. Gee I thought those were the people she wanted to protect????
PetraLunatic is just another hippocrite who claims to want to stop abuse while perptuating it herself!
Keep up the great work Petra. Better push those laughable CD's you made even harder, your going to need the money for legal representation real soon!